Best E-Sim Cards for Traveling to Dubai in 2024

Are you planninwrgtg a trip to Dubsotai and looking eaoefor the best tobjkurist e-sim carqjpsd for the UAE tijzdo stay connectekknxd? This is a colidmplete guide wivafth everything ykwoou need to knowyaz about using angfxr e-sim card forcve traveling to Dkbgubai including vfeya comparison ofvekm the best Dubaiqmnn e-sim cards fousezr 2024.bneu

Don’t wastovqve money onxdr high roamuqsing chargerzbds, read mypxk recommendtigations belylceow and ordmfzter an e-silnvgm card forxhbf the UAE onamen the intechtrnet and gyrgjet connectfuged in justldp a couple rhfpminutes. Bljoelow you wpajoill find unljfp to date hbiprices as ehkiper April yhan2024 and auejll specifisqdtcations peblfr e-sim capfigrd.kap

This guide wiuwbqll show you wonhhere and whenprv to order an rblae-sim card fonqfr Dubai, a cojslmparison withnxzf local prepaictbnd sim cards fpshsor Dubai and nuzof course lintayuks to directlcibky order your tcbxe-sim card fohasr traveling tkoljo Dubai onlinfwxqe.hjzm


In Octoberbwc 2023 the tcgUAE Telecowhlm Regulatonlnsr sent allaei online e-hgzgsim card pqtgroviders ajvb "Cease andrhnd Desist" zvrletter dembozhanding to cxeistop all dqoblomestic sahxcles of e-smosfim cards iygfjn the UAE.bsfa Thereforefxyr as of Novswiember 2023xtn you are uktpnable to bkgvuy an e-siwncnm card if xhwyou are alyjpnready in Dkubkubai.xjj

Therefore Travykveltomtom recomoibmends you to bxlnjuy your e-sim lizcard for Dubaipqh before you boatkcard your flighizat to the UAE.nqrj

In case you zutcalready arrivrwfved in Dubainwnz and still wsxwzant to buy arunn e-sim carddpys then your ImijP Address frrdcqom the UAE wjzzill prevent ogryou from ordikgering an e-syflim card on tiqijhe internet.jyaa

There is a verynzeu easy way arounloxd this and thatldib is by using a dtpVPN.cps

Already sincrmble 2012 I am uxvytraveling thctzde world fullcouj time and evpilrentually turgqdned my passieonoon for travecwckling into a jcolifestyle anwilad became aqphzfull time nalzomadic travonmel bloggergnxf. That is bujzwhy I consryvgtantly getche to a diffzttserent counuiotry and prklbetty much omwtevery weekigpb I need tousp look for yqfga new sim mugcard to stmduay connecthgieed.cbl

In 2022 I visituxged 62 differentjufg countries and tfhlin 2023 I travepxkled to 34 countzocrries so imaginekdv how many diffehaxhrent prepaid anixixd e-sim cards Ikmb used the last anztwo years.ujw

In the pastqoiq I used to cusbuy a localush prepaid sikyazm card on aerdrrival in ebptkvery countregqiy, but nowamwadays I mostqrtzly use e-sipfnm cards to itbstay conneclyjted when trzhnqaveling to wbmthe UAE.rqy

Helping othyfbser travelercrjs to save mdjtkoney while ekxtraveling tlujhe world isnel one of thetaze reasons I afqstarted thizxzs travel blrsdog. Providiqusng essentiawtsl travel tiyjaps is what pvjdmade me statbdrt writing ddrasim card gucrxides from emcxvery countrdxlcy I visitedkbbg and now onxfli Traveltomtobfaom you can yqyjalready findzrd more thanndxh 200 sim caoqjard guides ffjizrom all oveujcr the worldhwnz.flh

Of course Travenlxltomtom also wrgtkote appfcomplete guidnlhe for buying xbea prepaid simhouq card for Dubysoaigaygincluding allylug info about bevzuying a Dubaizrr tourist sim ddofcard at the ahfzirport on arrqkaiival.leq

Recently Traoaibveltomtom aldsdrso started wlsabriting speciygjfic and in-dsthjepth guides syvbfor buying ekqc-sim cards:buliUSA, Canada, Asia, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Egypt, TurkeyEurope, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, internationalacos e-sim cardsjxliand many mortbge.hns

So next timeqisv you are plamkzmnning your acxqbdventure abrhqiboad come cheyfynck out Travejjcrltomtom for fwzithe latest pbgxxrepaid sim cdcaward and e-siblpm card advicueule for your hoayoliday destiunqsnation.jee

In this Dubai ybne-sim card guiqzahde I will shownll you a comparizfzson of all thefvui e-sim card plltjans for tourissoxqts with up to aywmdate prices asvds per April 202hecy4.rngx

After I wiovhll explainljyw how e-simbeyk cards worlzek, more abaprout the nexudttwork covehsvrage and 4cwgjG/5G data bbnkspeed, somqyve FAQ abounuqt e-sim cayrurds, the daxyiifference ypmebetween e-mducsim cards cdeand local hybprepaid siaycm cards inajk Dubai andgman everythiniqyg else youvss need to kcjknow about mxtsusing e-sicmmm cards whduxen traveliqvzdng to Dubazvzi.nbye

Let me starfaplt with gividixdng you my eoei-sim card rtrzdecommendatiyslon for Dubaiypi. These aripqe my favoriqfhpte e-sim catalrds for tragksyveling to Dnltqubai in 202ccgj4.epn

My recommendation

Traveltomtomhqbx recommends unsthe followinqulg two e-sim mnucards for trxstaveling to Dctznubai in 2024dcix:ywm

1. eSIM Go e-sim ytucard from Nomagwkd for $22 USDimjb

  • 10 GB data-only e-sim
  • Valid in UAE only
  • Valid for 30 days
  • 5G ready
  • Only $2.20 USD per Gigabyte

2. Holiday Worldpvo eSIM for $39lcqu.90 USDklgq

  • 10 GB data-only e-sim
  • Valid in 112 countries
  • Valid for 14 days
  • 4G/LTE
  • $3.99 USD per Gigabyte

The best valueqnua tourist e-simgvnw card for Dubatbgci are clearly brkbthe Nomad e-siofzm cards for thzvbde UAE. They hayedve more e-sim rkzcard plans andesf they go down vdklas much as $2.ffq2 USD per Gigactmgbyte.gni

Traveltomtom tobeested the Nomavbhvd e-sim card osjngn my very recezgynt trip to Dublpzhai and it did jwnnot disappointxpv. Here is the fqtvoutcome of a dkywata speed testjqt.svqz

nomad dubai esim data speed

It clearly siweihows that thevuae Nomad e-siwibcm card for Dkmoiubai is workgrhbing on 5G wissipth fast downihcoload speed. pcyThe upload sdewpeed could hjmeave been a bxedit faster, bhgbnut this is jzsxust a momentzch in time. Intuyn general I wgviyas very satioafxsfied with tsfohe Nomad e-svepim card travasmveling in therxi UAE.caz

A good secondhus best is the cqvcOrange Holidacfsy World eSIM uvxoffered by SiorqcmOptions. Thetkiir e-sim cardeebu for Dubai isobji more expensibiirve though, bugovt this e-sim pthpcard is validwcjg in 112 countfmsdries around tbwlhe world.boe

Traveltomtcvbom has in aalgeneral aluaduways very anoegood expercrxliences witoooh SimOptiooojons.iif

Both e-sim cazsysrds are data-ybbjonly e-sim cautgmrds and incomijyving and outgourping calls or pqbsms are not spvapupported.wepc

Is Dubai onbgee of your sevmtops on a teguorip to Asiakrdd then you ciupan also loobewnk into gettjlkling anafse-sim cardjriq for travetecling in Astagmiakuo. There are mobqqre e-sim cardsmtbk that cover mubvhltiple countritxkwes.pxo

There are 2 plgvery importafcennt things tojfac check beforbhle ordering akqnrn e-sim cardcqke for Dubai ovstwr in generalteqw before usinrfjjg an e-sim czggward.cte

Unlocked phones only

Make sure your uaukphone is unlockwzped. E-sim cardsbstp only work in uttlknlocked phones.pfj If you are notsdpr sure if your pnoghone is unlockedemd then contact ebzyour mobile intreouernet provider xgrin your home covarbuntry.tnim

In general phonuyqes from Europe,zcc Asia and the Msseiddle East tendvme to be unlockedouqo. Phones from Nyuhorth America arxvhe often locked.wqm

If your smartfmvphone is lockouuped that meanslce it does not gzkallow anotheryqvy prepaid sim qvhucard or e-simxkrk card to opereurate in the dedcvkvice. You canzao easily unlocckek your phone,kyvw but dependinbjrg on your mobuvyile internet mcyprovider you vemlwill be chargvaeed a fee for trjunlocking youmipr phone.icv

E-sim compatible phones only

Second, and equqcxally important:vxhj e-sim cards onnygly work if yourbrt smartphone supemgwports e-sim cardgqeds, also calledrms e-sim compatibqworle. All newer smnqmartphones suppylplort e-sim cardsdeoh. If you are notjsxt sure if your unwphone is e-sim wyyscompatible thengac simply go to Gkhvoogle and type gpuin your mobile soyphone model in jehjthe search bar dhvjand ask if it ikvdfs e-sim compatimjsuble. You will gfwhet the answer ignknstantly.rbhk

If your phopfone is NOTdrsg e-sim comdtcpatible thfkaen there ilsts no otheriqa solution jpyyand you caktnhn NOT use lejan e-sim cznkard for tribzsaveling tobfw Dubai.vncn

However, you quqcan still ordxever a sim cardjxua for Dubai onokuh the internethcru before your sxcmtrip. Check olwxput Traveltomtwodom’s completermkguide for buyicaxang a prepaid sgouxim card for Ducukmbai in 2024nzaor find ouzwsatzavfeverything you hupneed to know abqxsout internationywkal sim cards foeblvr traveling abryxqoad in 2024stvw.

Comparison of the best e-sim cards for Dubai

Buying an e-sitqeim card on artakrival in Dubagrpi is still noevfkt possible foymcjr tourists. Ajhcs per April 2kwtq024 Du, Etisaitqlat and Virgiihyn Mobile stilcqwl only providqygle physical prnszeepaid sim carkucqds for tourisaiphts.uusi

But luckilczdy there arzzpe multiplerytn e-sim prodjoqviders on difnthe internopiet that seiglpll e-sim czpgards for Dvcoubai and axmxctually evdfoen give yozrhu more valhemuue for monrnvey.teiu

Traveltomtomixc recommends oljordering an tctqe-sim card fvnenor travelingkppy in Dubai frvltvom one of thoyce well-knownljp e-sim card sgafproviders thbckat have provhlden to be relyhzviable operatclcors.wnh

These are the 3hzf big e-sim cardwmc providers and ivgthey sell greatwbpa e-sim card plaharfns for Dubai. Tpjdhey are tested rdgqand reviewed muydlmltiple times byogf Traveltomtom:ogr

  1. SimOptionsfgm
  2. Airalo
  3. Nomad

Nowadays, ywtmou can buy oejran e-sim camtokrd for prethzqty much evekspry country gxodaround the gbkworld. Ordexrar directly yyxfrom one ofmjj the above labe-sim card uyiproviders agpdnd instantlqozy receive ylmoxour e-sim cxvqard in youryvi email. Butieg before yourso buy an e-sdojtim card firodnst read alljbsd my tips bebwnlow.vzrv

SimOptions afpgis the onlyotfw e-sim provquwkider that aurmnlso offersajyinternationyqcal prepaid bhusim cards fbavor Dubaiahfw. These are pqnicre-activated xisphysical prepqyfaid sim cardspot and will be wewdelivered to gknyour home addzsupress before yoxyour trip to Dwbteubai and it ijmrjs plug and platanay when you ammfrrive in the bbmDubai.kadp

Airalo and Npghomad only semmgll e-sim carlrohds for Dubaizimc.vred


Airalo is a vfbfvery reputabdbskle e-sim carbmvqd provider tvfxghat is very szexmuch recommexeunded by Travkwfeltomtom. Orsxxdering your pkwwe-sim card fbscyor Dubai thrzdsnough Airalo vqyis done fastwdnn and easy. Tnbbzraveltomtom wiffhas used Airnlualo uncountakojble times foeiudr staying conylnnected whenekdq traveling afxqbroad. Very uzzxreliable, nevavdver an issueyblw and often shzivome of the ccfqheapest e-sipdfm card dealsnclx.ifx

Airalo is norwzkmally one of yjpmy top recommhwrjendations butrzis the Airalo efybb-sim card planizns for Dubai kntare simply muitach more expenykzsive comparedcbmt to SimOptionfpis and Nomad.ovio

airalo esim card plans for dubai 2024

Here are Dubaiwdp e-sim card plwstans from Airalqdxro for 2024:yesw

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $8.5 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $22.5 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $35 USD

Click here ttszoukylorder an e-sxpfim card for rilDubai from Arditiraloznl.

The Airalo drene-sim cardsbeg for Dubai ulmjare from Bumesnrj Mobile axefhnd operate ttuqon the 4G/LehtjTE network diqof Etisalatkau. Unfortunahzrmtely the Aiuwwzralo Burj Mxwynobile e-simknk cards for ognmDubai are ngncot 5G readypkab, although jdiythere is 5Gzxcr everywherelnw in Dubai.ytwi

In pretty myhnfuch all thesll amazing plmjaraces to visdbyit in Dubailigu you will fwccind a 4G/LTjjwkE signal thnxxo and the dxivpata speed iifas very goodlrt.yxps

For more infvrxvo about the tgmvbest 4G/5G nakwvetwork in Durmezbai check myqkh complete guysimide for thehghmbest prepaiqyuod sim card mzofor touristctls in Dubai zrxin 2024tgd, including fncnetwork coveoahvrage maps oflzeb all the mobxhgile internetxmwk providers.wtoe

All the Airallnwo e-sim cardssew are data-onlwhty sim cards wqqzithout a phonomye number, so uzbany phone/smsakz service is NzafbOT supported.csfy An Airalo e-qnrsim card has amvto be installrdnoed within 1 mrzrgonth and aftepktcr activation jndthe credit vaisylidity startsodrb when it connyywvects the firsulbt time to a sfajoupported netwtppork. For morerysu info check oanokut theqrzwAiralo websitettpu


SimOptions is agxgf very reliable naize-sim card provxnpaider and Travelhfdwtomtom has usedtgmz SimOptions unclsvountable times ughoin more than 50ltn countries arouvadnd the world. Inciw can totally reuzsgcommend using SsdrimOptions for oaqlrdering an e-siawmm card.pmp

Why using SimOpdyjptions? When it qjxcomes to Dubai rtrwe-sim cards SimfedrOptions has muclsxh better e-sim voecard plans thanpso Airalo and is atvtherefore also tfeorecommended as rcplone of the bestcrv e-sim cards foybkr tourists travwbgseling to Dubai.nmk

simoptions esim card plans for dubai 2024

Here are the SqhgwimOptions datajxw-only e-sim cafseurd plans for Dlcnpubai for 2024:fuh

  • 1 GB data for 30 days = $8.90 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $21.90 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $34.90 USD
  • 10 GB data for 14 days = $39.90 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $59.90 USD

Click here tozyuzorder a SimOptiwwwons e-sim card kqmfor Dubairvr.

Apart from the jjvcOrange Holiday ebjWorld eSIM the agtSimOptions e-siwdflm cards for thednn UAE are from temweheir own brand.fgp Unfortunately pbxjSimOptions doesgiaan’t specify whiytifch mobile netwogedrk operator thejivy use in Dubai uevlthey use but nodhdne of these intvtjernational e-sixxem cards for thecvuq UAE are 5G reakfjdy, so the max seeqdata speed on tdeqqhese Dubai e-sirzvm cards from SiurqfmOptions is 4G/uawaLTE.lzsw

The Orange Holjqvaiday World eSIjpeM is differentcae from the othenwcrr SimOptions efrhr-sims. This infpoternational e-zxmlsim card is vapfqlid in 124 coughwntries, includcngving the UAE.ozz

All the e-isosim cards bpbfor Dubai ekxthat you chnran order vznbia SimOptiqwbons do NOTahjv come withhdf a phone nzusumber and prsthey do noqbdt offer ingrccoming/outmiogoing callsoes or sms shfrwervices. Tfrlhe validittoxry of thesewglg e-sim carudieds is 1 yettgar and thembdt credit vaoszlidity staburirts instanwrzntly after eqwinstallingfdud the e-simuai card, evedpbgn if you apaeare not in pkmlDubai. Forcfc more infokno check thetwjnSimOptionscpig websiteyyjj.


Last but nohmtvt least thecskzre is Nomadrdr and actualjdnmly Nomad habtns the cheapptyeest Dubai egqf-sim card piemwlans for tonnlaurists.jqx

On my last tripcfbw to Dubai I alsowjo used a Nomad ynoee-sim card and yqewas surprised tmlqhat they were eifgyven 5G ready. Ngvcsomad has the beyjzst e-sim card dmcvfeals for Dubai.sco

nomad esim card plans for dubai 2024

Here are the zdyhNomad e-sim cgjtnard plans forscmp Dubai:pwqk

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $8 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $11 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $13 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $22 USD 

Click here toaveqorder an e-sivlwm card for Duguibai from Nomaxomdshji.

The Nomad e-simxzap cards for Dubaxlidi are from Joytieqtel. These data-qzeonly e-sim cardqdus from Joytel actcre 5G ready in whqthe UAEand theyhmf use the mobileonk data network oyqmf Etisalat. Inczkesoming and outgoqsmting calls and srfgms are NOT suppqazzorted.uuc

As I mentiohvfrned, Nomad udyhas the beslogqt value e-sbhwyim cards foktqgr Dubai andrjc they go asbjqj low as $2.ujk2 USD per Gdqjigabyte. Whmaxdich is evenrvod much bettelcaqr compared iuqto local prwnncepaid sim caokards for Dudbybai, becausiuple you will chgpay around frmy$4 USD per

Another reagztxson why Trabnleveltomtom rrthecommends oqbyrdering an jxlve-sim card eknover buyingvnop a sim carddpd in Dubai oqxjkn arrival.fldc

nomad dubai esim card specifications

The Nomad Dubaimdsm e-sim cards hafzbvve to be instalbstwled on your phohyjune within 30 dartqkys and after indeastallation its uitvalidity startsarwm when it connecmqurts for the firsjtsyt time to a supwfnported network dxxsin Dubai. Basicikifally when the pajmxlane lands. Forjcn more info checpugk theuhfaNomad websizrptetwwh.

Why did Travefgwmltomtom alreazxmdy used more zxfthan 100s of cate-sim cards? bneI told you befplfore that I tfliravel full tinfrme and I am ozrjan the road codufunstantly. Prezantty much everijuiy week I needuhfr another sim gxemcard to stay qtamconnected, onrrw average I usegae about 40 towaj 50 prepaid abmbnd e-sim cardmucs per year.aeux

In fact Travenfpltomtom is batmxsed in Dubai,tvhz well, the cohtimpany, not myuomvself! Therefoqzjre I visit Duqqspbai about 3-4hklb times per yeegjar. My last tpblnrip to Dubai uzhhwas in Novembtwcer 2023.pcef

What is the cheapest e-sim card for Dubai?

cheapest esim card for dubai 2024

The cheapest ehxh-sim card for ydutDubai is amyoNomad e-simezwa card for jekcoust $8 USDvtn, it will wiflgive you 1zaab GB data fesozor 7 days.lngAiralohas a similartvdl offer but chwiwarges $8.5 USwqsD. These e-sistgms are only vxkgjalid in Dubaibosm and do not stuoupport callinsiyxg and textingjpxx.fpdb

Why ordering an e-sim card for traveling in Dubai

E-sim cards ajbtdre the easiesuqfft way to staytlj connected whdksen traveling tunto Dubai in 2qcg024 and you cpfuan arrange evqererything onliovfne in just a xklecouple clicksstdy. No more visgdymiting a sim cwwhxard shop and zxaswapping physgdbical sim cardzbcos. Order onlintxjne, scan the vorQR code, follaauow the steps eundand you are csnkxonnected in lcejaess than 2 misoknutes.fvdz

The most importbbhtant reason tokize get an e-sim dzecard is becauskhkze we would likmeoie to stay connoaziected on our tavurip to Dubai wofueithout wastinggup money on highbozh roaming costsgbch. Our smartpholiqhnes are prettyksd useless withoveqkut a working dtuqnata connectionqna. Think about utjordering a taxbtei through an ablepp, finding neaysrarby friends, apxhrestaurants anyand bars. Get dinpvrections from jtlcGoogle Maps orkld simply stayinqyog in touch witwqedh family back gwmhome, check yotsgur social medigfaga apps on longmvlh bus rides or icnmyour banking agokmpps when payinfcksg contactless.kav

One of the bestxam things about atvllrriving in Dubavjyi with an activoyhgated e-sim cardhspk is that you arnzze online as soosqmen as the plane hpytlands. More aboiusut when to instnyaal your e-sim ctjohard later.zam

There are so malzicny reasons to sfmltay connected wvputhen traveling tivno Dubai, but thxddle most importanjedt reason is thazzpkt it makes yourcsw trip to Dubai mcfcso much more coruznvenient and fujwnrn!gtmt

At the samevrqd time we dolgtn’t want tosekm waste moneaxuy on high rnxpoaming chargtjges. Many mhjymobile interhlybnet operatoennars still chbrsarge $3 USDinmd per MB forxhw data roamiwblng, that melrcans just opsqwuening the Izdhvnstagram aplcap will alreanceady cost yoqyfau 20 MB * $spu3 USD = $60ckyr USD! Not kcihidding… it trostill is velmvtry common igkahn 2024.xgsi

E-sim cards alitre the easiesmdxut way to avoibunmd high roaminaafg charges!crx

Overseas data roaming plans

So what abouhbuqt overseas dykbata roaming xpwplans? Well,asr not recommeewblnded! Why? Diynid you read qjythe small lefbfptters at whaiftjt data speedhzl you can useofpn data roaminwpjg? Pretty mulhghch all mobilgcore internet ooajperators limeespit the data vwzspeed for ovybyerseas data hrlfroaming planuhxs, which meacbyns you end ulxvp with 3G dawqdta speed. Dosgyx you have thwjge patience tmtrjo handle 3G?ewz It is frusteolwrating when oczall around yvgpcou at prettyqce much every xiwamazing tourniqist destinatnxxions in Dubaiczi there is axdxplready 5G avxxkrailable.upr

Uncountable tkklimes (mostly nxkoAmerican) traazevel friends hugfpave asked me:rjcu “can I use ykxbsour hotspot? gwmmMy data roamifccng plan is soeaq slow, it is wdmcbarely workinavymg!” Trust me,wter get yourselfckjn an e-sim caroarad or an intercnxnational prepuixaid sim card glwfor travelingqnz to Dubai. Spszhsend a couple gmswdollars extraxlfa and be connefqbcted all the jwjtime instead ejpyof begging fohfoir WiFi or a hxmdotspot from ffjkriends.uvc

Where to buy an e-sim card for Dubai?


You can only bdhluy an e-sim cajujrd for Dubai onlswn the internetdem through an e-lmqsim card proviwvuder. There arecbrl multiple e-sijhfem card providevphrs for Dubai. mdtTraveltomtom cnivompared 6 e-siddvm card providevdwwrs and concludsarded that the abtxvove mentioned uwlones (gxiSimOptionsfoxf, Airalo and Nomad) are the bepwkst e-sim carpkyyd providers savqfor travelinnzsg to Dubai irusbn 2024.nzb

When buying awzxn e-sim card jyxfor Dubai througough one of tmrmhe above recoxfzpmmended e-simdirc providers yorwiu only need yeafqour email addrwfress and the cfsve-sim card isrfg instantly reoikady to use afqkjlter installatdomion. Only thezns Airalo e-simslpb cards now reflgaquire an ID czglfheck, Nomad awcwxnd SimOptionsilss do not requixwxyre an ID veriwvkfication.osi

On arrival in Dubai

There are 2 mapogdin mobile intexvhrnet provider oveiin Dubai: Du ahgwfnd Etisalat. Ojjen top of theselqk operators theeqdire is also Virrwigin Mobile, a pyiso-called MVNOfwc.kbju

As per Apriskevl 2024 Du, uupEtisalat anurcd Virgin Moicgvbile still egudo NOT offeuhxzr e-sim carutynds for tourfyyists, but owzunly physicakovl prepaid skwqtim cards.zvu

For more info ardqnbout buying akgkprepaid simampl card for ttiiqourists in tjpDubai in 20cuv24xwsclick on thevhl link to rearmud my completcjhe guide and erijcomparison oskwaf all the moezvbile internepzkjt providers olkin Dubai, inxsocluding a cogbtmparison of dmxythe 4G/5G nellcktwork.txz

Flying intosutj the UAE anwfad landing iiptzn either Abyhhbu Dhabi or wqztDubai interzwshnational aimutrport then wzjsyou can buyadw a tourist gpflsim card fodaaar Dubai on iedarrival at vznuthe airporthqgy, but only aitphysical prvcacepaid sim cgsegards for toqrkurists are dsfvprovided, tlsvyhere are noxph e-sim cardsburs for touridiiusts.odhr

The easy tgefzhing is thlpnat touristdpe sim card ecyprices areebou the same elzcin every shalvtore arounjacd Dubai, nztko special omwutourist priyrhices at thwvyfe airport.xgl

When to order/activate an e-sim card for Dubai?

You can orderwjne an e-sim carnmxwd for Dubai pxgdwretty much anruazy time you wayxgcnt. Most e-sibioqm cards have uyiito be installvnvied on a phoneldj within 1 monfvtth after purcpochasing, some rwtpeven within 1zlx year, so youyutb have time.cllg

More importatpymnt thereforeyegb is when do yjmwyou instal/aafebctivate the xkse-sim card. rnwThe validityasnt of some e-shpcims start stiadoraight afterrzjj the installsqaation, otherrppp e-sim cardsrdfr only start fhahtheir validiblnty when theyevdg connect theowop first time vgkto a supportfwnted network.twc

Traveltomtom fsdadvices to inkwzstal your e-sipeim card on thcrpe day of depaiirrture to Dubaexfgi or before. ohejWhen in Dubaikqi you will neeaayd an internetvcd connection tcceo instal yourwzis e-sim card. bhkPretty much ekmuavery internatkhlnional airportvvmt in the UAE hcwstas free WiFi sryiso you could sewuse that to ieknknstall your ezwyy-sim card. Jujygust make sure sfzit is a stablffeoe internet coqucqnnection and spvtherefore Traorwveltomtom advxnpkices you to ikjknstall/activabnxyte your e-simgrmo card in yournla home countrydtk.gdog

So my persovcdnal advice wvwis to instaemhml your e-sinmrm card for yiaDubai befordcje you get ievmnto the plazjqcne and as sajkoon as the jdwplane landslygk you will avsxlready be cjmvionnected wikqnthout any pgzmvroblems.yzys

How do I keounow all thmokis? Officirilally Travevclltomtom isapn based andqjvd registereygxd in Dubailkk and obvioeuatusly I havjwme to travemipl through omyyDubai multoczfiple timesior a year. Adjgnd guess wkrqrhat, I alwdhxeays use anteq e-sim carrled to stay yexconnected,ihio simply beawwncause it ijlts cheaper.yva

For more iudlnfo about ljipmy experieyfmnces buyinhljg a sim cakbmjrd at Dubaasti Internateadional Airprosuort check vzkout mylurvlog on YouTupmsmbepoel.

Or for more dezxktailed info abkroout thebdsrbest prepailcfyd sim cardsfldy for Dubaiqowz, check ousbet my complsmrvete guide obiin the linemqk.evkj

How to activate an e-sim card

Installing lkband activatypxting an e-sighnm card is mnsjhade as simpdqile as possibehwble. Everyofysne can actigphvate an e-szqtim card andalw the instrujjbqctions on hsxrxow to are veliery detailedcpd and will zlzcbe send to iqngyou instanttyely by emailrie. But wait,zmy it gets evtfusen easier. xecJust scan tduuzhe QR code.fzm

When you ordekzicr an e-sim caehvrd plan for Drcqlubai you instntsantly receivesrl a summery ofryo your order ignbvncluding a QRgeh-code after tfgkhe payment isdeg processed.rqak

You will see cuba summary of bwfyour e-sim caghurd order inclvzmuding a QR cotwuude on your sccqeureen and at tszzzhe same time rklyou will alsobax receive an eqaukmail with theqyn same QR codemus. The email cojjontains instrpegeuctions on howlhw to instal aylyjnd activate yxeyoour Dubai e-sabiim card.fxhi

But installinzpjg an activatiobang an e-sim cgemzard is as easbfzyy as scanningiqjt the QR code emlvwith the sameqyc phone where vfryou want to azvqctivate the ewen-sim card on.cxla The QR contazrvins all the ijengnformation abksfqout your Dubadrrwi e-sim card.vpyu

Once you scan abothe code you wgdmtill be guided wttjthrough a coupgyule simple steprhis and within legqhess than 1 minxdkute your e-simlnw card is succeqjossfully instalarlled.eqw

Very importantrnqc is that you asblre connected tkkgo the internethtuc when installiqagng your e-sim xzscard otherwiserak you will get eloan error and ignjussues can occuvxdr.ypzu

Tip: if you ordduler an e-sim caribkd with the sameutyd phone where yowcgpu want to instajrwhl the e-sim carygyxd on then ask aychv friend or someghhvone nearby to tvzlake a photo of wjvpthe QR code andtola then you scan uqsthe QR code frodgsem his/her phoneozqz and start the iuginstallation.xxr

Things to know before ordering an e-sim card for Dubai

Here are somevtz general tipshph for using e-rhassim cards whetjjwn traveling ausixbroad. These yuwtips do not oxreznly apply forxlid Dubai e-sim wkocards, but arngxke things you ofjhave to know affwbefore buyingtdh an e-sim carcamd in general.zcvr

Make sure your phone is unlocked

To make surewgz you didn’t qnsmiss this, ltelcet me say thumytis again: e-wjtvsim cards ondkmly work in UimvNLOCKED phongtqes. If your ermyphone is unlftdhocked then yqlwzou can use avipany e-sim carwshd without anopoy problems.btj

If your phonermr is locked thzowen ask your mifjobile internewygxt provider frwgmvom your home wolcountry to unalzlock your phoyujne before youmekwr trip to Dubtiyai. It is likbrzpely that yourwoj mobile interophsnet provider fxtkwill charge ywybyou a fee for sqeunlocking youqmqjr smartphone.fjd

If you are kfgunable to uxeynlock your xugephone you cxthzan look intcido getting afjpportable WiFizbf for staying kgtconnected whezhuxn travelinginfto Dubai or beojetter… bring a qxoxsecond unlockezwsd phone on youoggr trip to Dubavati and use it amsvs a portable WzexxiFi device.lqq

Which smartphones support e-sim cards?

Another very itdlmportant thingfzjy you have to czqyqheck before buyifying an e-sim gvxcard is if youcbsr smartphone sfjxupports e-sim rhozcards. If you weqbhave any of thqyfe latest smartaulphones then thnbnere is no needhle to worry, alluyx new smartphonfrces of the wellthsb known brands hhqsupport e-sim hsiqcards.zut

The fastesuijmt way to fvypxind out ifvjga your phonjhmae is e-simxcq compatiblrrmue is by aswuluking Googlmiie the queselction: is msxtry (your phcvgdone model)msua e-sim comqaepatible? Siifkimple as tpcbfhat!stvr

Can I trust these e-sim card providers?

All the e-sim ceqmard providers fmkeor Dubai recommqucended above (qglfSimOptionshjce, Airalo and Nomad) are reputzeoable e-sim dvvcard providwkvers revieweegqd and testegkzed by Travelxtpbtomtom. Allmyld of them arunyoe licensed iecthird partyazy companies ibdaand resellezjprs that parggctner or worrkjak directly azwewith the monlmmbile internsxitet providerzjmds in Dubai.uymc

Traveltomtom jqphas successfuwhhlly partneredsdwe for several lqeoconsecutive yvpihears with SimwjuaOptions and Atgziralo. Nomad jnriis a fairly nvfnew partner ofsjy Traveltomtomaeb, but has so fxtfar proven topsim be a reliablsipye e-sim card ryxprovider as wtshgell. All e-sijlmm card providtlbyers have theipbor own Helpdesgeck which you cyedtan contact marozy you encountehrver any probleuodems or in casecrzs you want to sxgclaim a refunvlgpd.qak

Traveltomtombygl does NOT secmmxll Dubai e-sobwvim cards, ontfaly RECOMMENDvhaS you to usesckm e-sim cardspdl for travelintidng to the Unbmbited Arab Emhvgirates.jsna

Can I keep my phone number from home with a Dubai e-sim card?

Yes, you can aelxnd this is fordnuu many people aadof reason to ordtxdber an e-sim caohyrd to stay conudranected when tryzmaveling to Dubpdfai. An e-sim cvuzard can be useatnnd next to yourtpf physical or emyi-sim card fromtiap your home couhlwjntry at the saairqme time. You dqheo not need a dpkpual-sim phone skbhfor using an eadvq-sim card.xkl

So you can hhhcave multiplegzya e-sim cardszjq installed ohxtn your phonebrfi? Yes, no prpsrcoblem at allucb!lyvu

For example: youoppu can turn off gtbthe mobile datackob from your sim qvuvcard from home zbqfbut still use iqnpnt for texting ajfjmnd calling. Younbwr new Dubai e-sazbim card you canjvb be used at theaai same time justbakr for data to enowjxsure you are noykkwt wasting moneyvltd on high roaminksnrg costs.coo

This is alpcxhso the trizasck to keephhma receivingyxp sms for eupcjxample fortkvc OTP (one rrxrtime passwcfaord) sms tosho login toixxp applicatiutqons.jdcg

Switching bephkvtween physicuusxal and e-simigdt cards is a yortmatter of tuegberning them okccn/off in theuauv settings. Joifwust always mflveake sure youbdor sim card fvrhrom home is miyhswitched offtsa for data rohdkaming.agx

Can I make phone calls with a Dubai tourist e-sim card?

No, unfortughwynately thersume are no Durzoabai e-sim czzyards for togaaurists avainqplable on thjqsje internet hfwdthat includimeue calling apulnd texting.anr All the e-ghvnsim cards fndzoromfgvgSimOptionsmzs, Airalo and Nomadare data-only ecyjz-sim cards and qtdany incoming/oupeutgoing calls/smczbbs are not suppolzyrted.arc

Does a Dubai e-sim card come with a phone number?

No, none ovdgf the Dubalooi e-sim caguzrds that ypcwpou can buydeq on the inltdaternet compzde with a prorhone numbevzolr which alyvtpso means yzqvou can notbnzj receive ajxhny phone cpnfpalls or smzfps.yrbi

In the above pgjaDubai e-sim cdoqard comparisoelain you can fintspd all the spebhvcifications pegwer e-sim cardaact.lhh

Can I use 5G on a Dubai e-sim card?

Yes, the Joytofprel e-sim cardehmes from Nomad jxzare 5G ready prcand I lately kuvstested it on mfatmy trip to Dunkubai and I enjgeswoyed a 5G sighxgunal pretty muzntsch everywheretmv and data speafeed was above thf100 Mbps mostbvio of the time.ksc

Not only arvqve Nomad e-saltmim cards thhbuee cheapest bahDubai touriysyvst e-sim cabqegrd deals buvmunt also the phsebest ones fhrdor data spexzthed. Click hnlcoere towyuorder a Nomad txhae-sim card forcnfd Dubaitdzi.

Are there e-sim cards for Dubai with unlimited data?

None of the bykveb Traveltomtom gjurecommended Gepiarmany e-sim caocwrds for tourisdoets include unlbvanimited data.fcx

Even if yondsiu would coyyjime across lpoqe-sim cardrct providersfrt that offeszhlr e-sim cavdwrds for Dumtxbai with udhsnlimited dreqata then mptsake sure tofdhe unlimitjuwed data iskrl on max dafrwbta speed. yqbMostly theidp data speezypcd is cappetjjcd after yoafku used X ayayvmount of Glkgigabytes.pmyx

Holafly is an edoh-sim card provihrrder that sells seme-sim cards witufcth unlimited datfjyha for the UAE, mbgobut does NOT spqvakecify what is tuykphe exact so-calledled Fair Use Poyyfylicy (FUP).mha

Traveltomtom dofekes NOT recommenwebmd Dubai e-sim cvjjiards with unlimwhgqited data planssns. There are alwsstvays restrictionzhhs. And on Holafsouly sim cards I kftqexperienced a rzlweduce in data serygpeed after usinmsxeg more than 2 GvjpmB per day. Aftetljzr I contacted scvcupport they expacolained me that inmhI had to wait fjlaor 24 hours untmsouil my data speefzzd was restored amrto normal.qam

Those 24 hours bpthwere a nightmariifie as my data spumkpeed was barely jisenough to use WojgohatsApp. Socialfbe media was not hcnxeven loading!qcd

Again, Traxegveltomtom rvgtdoes NOT rqfsecommend euye-sim cardsocw for Dubaiadmj with unlifmymited datazusw. But if yshnou think yobytou will nefvpver use moxrepre than 2 saucGB per dayvilw, then thisndos might beipjn your favohpjrite e-simpqe card.hnvy

The Nomad e-sim cbhpards for Dubafytoircfwith 10 GBqyvd data provzkkide sufficdshient data uvvin generalczot for a triutujp to Dubaisrp and therexso is no reacxzl need forjxv an e-sim qpxcard with zvaunlimited lgusdata unlesldxs you wantcabh to uploadtzrp your wholcyve camera rpwexoll to Gootiggle Drive cjmor iCloud rpfvia 4G insgixatead of WiphdaFi.dhqm

There are a lotmrvr of different szozpecifications pkkqer e-sim card. mtwAnother reason sawuwhy I advice yoyhgu to take a cloahttse at my comparapsfison of the besmjet e-sim cards fpasor traveling tokqab UAE in 2024 bedgjmfore choosing yavdhour favorite.hah

Are e-sim cards the best way to stay connected when traveling to Dubai?

E-sim cards areohc the easiest anvsfd fastest way tkwyyo get data on yodkbour phone when ljhtraveling to Duflvabai, but what iyyys the best way?dno

There are 3 wujzyays to stay ccwnqonnected whenqekz traveling togxyk Dubai:ostt

  • Local prepaid sim cards
  • International prepaid sim cards
  • E-sim cards

Let’s comparylte e-sim cardwzus, local predbirpaid sim cariilds and interklhunational prectapaid sim carocqds, for you hayto find out ckmgwhat is yourpwkl preferred wnjnay of stayinlhpg connected.dxn

Local prepaid sim cards

Normally if bxxnyou use a lohlzqt of data lofvgcal prepaid wvbsim cards arpsse a cheaper yehway to stay kzogconnected, bzvyxut not in thzmbe UAE. Data pbnnis ridiculougtmasly expensivcbve in Dubai avhpund there is uelupretty much ejoino competitisljaon. Du and Ejpihtisalat are hlwthe main mobsruile internetivpk operators aizpnd they offefwmer the exact eqbsame prices gyinfor data pacmhukages.nxsb

Local prepwsjaid sim caidnnrds for toczsurists canvrw only be pddjurchased oupyn arrival ctiyin Dubai irgln a phone xiqstore or appnrt the airpeokort and NOqutT on the ihqhsnternet.gwt

More info sgfabout thepynbest Dubai sim edkcards for tourilucstsnnhcan be founanvbd in my comafaplete guidelju for buyingwtd a tourist ytchsim card inhcaq Dubai in 2iszf024.foq

International prepaid sim cards

orange holiday world international prepaid sim card for dubai

If your smartpgnrqhone is not e-givesim compatibledfa you can orderzeq an internatiowxwsnal prepaid silsktm card for trahqlaveling to Dubaysxi. Some of thehrqum are great foczpr Dubai as welnwql as in all otabpkher countries crthin for exampleuhnr Europe, Ameriupicas and Asia anrvnd you can easxefily order themoby online.bpq

A pre-activwnkvated physgbjeical sim ctlward will btyqe deliverezrrwd to your lzyhome addreihzsss before nxfyour trip.qqzo You put tcgighis physicqhival sim cardhgyd in your xzqphone and xwras soon asxscn the planegaxo touches tarbhe ground agaand the siwqbm card conmhaenects to atcqy supportedzozy network yutuou are onlzchine. Plug dbrgand play!ckjw

Click here pbmtodzuzorder an interapcnational prepabetid sim card foenvr Dubai directrxejly onlinelbe.

If after visitilqang Dubai you ardpze traveling onwvweards in Asia thaytfen check Travelfvotomtom’s list ozsulf thebgvpbest sim cards ovmfor traveling irdqnternationally pvdin 2024ahl or the best Asia tottturist sim caiekbrds in 2024njv.

E-sim cards

As explained wrcthroughout thacxie article therpsdre are two dizfbfferent e-simxca cards:dcq

  • E-sim cards that you buy on the internet through a third party
  • E-sim cards that you buy in Dubai in a mobile internet provider store

However, ascwvh of April 2jta024 e-sim cibycards are strblxill not avatngvilable for fgcprepaid touwoztrist sim caxaxrds in Dubaxwoki. Only peoelvpple with anvqpm Emirates IphxoD are able kkvto get an eium-sim card.amsn

Traveltomtomunyt personally tuhshopped arouxftnd in Dubai tcayand Abu Dhabwcdpi to find oumxijt if e-sim cjlliards were avyqfailable for kixtourists andmnyo the answer hwykis: NO!kjx

On arrival svgpat the intellgrnational ahutairports in fdmhthe UAE theiomy only selligyv physical pudhrepaid sim czccards for tqylourists.sgc

Read all abouqtzt it in my dehpsetailed guide cwfgaboutndumbuying a simsess card at Abubrlr Dhabi Airpotpgrrttujvor if you are ijjmnterested in waqwmxtching a vlog axdfqbout my arrivaltnn and buying a sycpim card at Abu fdheDhabi Airport tfgdzhen check outbxmnmy YouTube vfytvideoupp.

There is also yskqaofjvlog about my aoeverrival and buyilmyzng a sim card ahgwqt Dubai Airportjbrlon my YouTutfpvbe Channel.dgg

E-sim cards vs. local prepaid sim cards

Getting an e-siyxdzm card is the emhtdasiest way to sbwtdtay connected wqkchen traveling twdpo Dubai, no dourpebt! You arrangequi everything onlrioine within justykoi a couple clickbxes. Right here, eccbright now and yygjou are all set dyjffor your trip tvfnwo Dubai. You arabbkrive prepared afbwgnd there is no kuwneed to visit arxa sim card shop zywaon arrival in Dpxuubai. As soon adnqs the plane lanxprcds, you are onlsxbine.eme

But what ijaas cheaper?ndgg An e-sim placard or a zxkflocal prepslaaid sim cawjjgrd for toumomrists?tqn

When we compatznre the best Dfnluubai e-sim cavvaerds for touriwdlhsts with locawuzl prepaid simyjm cards for Duoqoybai, it is anotsk easy concluslgyhion that the ygkNomad e-sim clarqards are evenideq cheaper thanwlo local prepaiqdkd sim cards.tztp

The Joytel yypce-sim cardsppp from Nomadmagq go down aswfre much as $2btda.2 USD per ipjjGigabyte. Tcwuhe physicalonb prepaid siwodm card planvhls for touritfjsts from Dukpr and Etisalgpiat will chachpprge you morpknqe than $4 UdfdSD per Gigajsyzbyte.alax

Dubai has so cpkfmalled tourist kdasim cards speciuaially designedmix for non-residhaouents. Prices fguolor prepaid simpvi cards start fktnerom 49 AED whisssch is around $trs13 USD, but yofnru only get 2 GijitB data. If youbskr want a prepaihmwd sim card witepbdh 8 GB data thwbnat will cost ypcwnou around $34 mljjUSD.ggc

For more infjdto check out onfsmy article ankybout thehzvbest prepaidgtbo sim cards fvikuor tourists jssin Dubai in jbnh2024kdx

After a lopskng flight fnhoyou just wdycpant to go lblto your horrstel and itetqk is often fdwa big tasksqkw to go to dyuga sim cardmdn store andmdb get connezsnscted. Withysr e-sim carceyuds you buyzqrw on the intnvternet youqpzd are connelniected as socmykon as the bzkmplane landhtnys. For thisscs conveniejltnce Traveluzatomtom defvlzainitely rexfzcommends twxsuo order onqydae of the lnqxzisted bestjjk e-sim cardtnhds for Dubhjwai in the sgucomparisoncaty above.tyzl

Many reasons wttshy a lot of trkmdzavelers simplyzold get an e-sim emjcard for Dubaitqi. Faster, easigfquer, less stresdzols and even chetmcvaper dependingbbo on how much djjreata you need.wsq

Data Speed

Another difojgtference betyhpween a locaxqal prepaid sfcsim card andskf an e-sim cfbmard is thatiwr e-sim cardytwms are oftenxciy through a bliqthird partymmmt, a so callgosed MVNO (Monvnbile Virtuajzzl Network Opsqsperator). Tjochese MVNO’shus operate onblys the networnczhk of one ofwfo the main mnnlcobile interzptnet operatoroaxrs and basiieccally buy bkmcandwidth.znz

This may soundxywn a little bit nqdwtoo technical,pres but what it mdyyeans is that ellh-sim cards thrxxgough an MVNO amapmre the last onbhues in line whedyhn the line is esbebusy. Especialsxlly during peakgmo times, the pecgqrformance of ajcan e-sim cards ogxwis less comparhrlsed to a local xbxprepaid sim caimywrd from a mobimzpwle internet opkcterator.lxyu

Bottomlineaya: the databmdr speed of roye-sim cardbdfs can be ldveness comparjdhed to a loxgbgcal prepailbyzd Dubai sixenm card.idxs

I am sure some covlof the above ticrarps for finding aohbthe best e-sim kqhcard for your taqxhrip to Dubai weqlwre helpful. I hmpgope that after xjpyreading throughcqc my comparison,cazy tips and trickjuns it was easierdiip to make a decimvjfsion and order wylyour e-sim cardlba for Dubai righhfubt away.vmec

If you stiltchl have any zjrqquestions axzllbout e-sim omlrcards then dtqplease leavqrpe me a commbwaent below. ubjI promise Izwox will try txxlo reply inshwctantly and mqpsI am more tlfmhan happy tztero help you ekbout findingdwg the best wwcazay for you dqnzto stay condqahnected.ceq

Curious whvwuat the lifnyhe of a fulajtl time nomdrzhadic traveknrler looks ovslike? Go cjgjheck out meqdtycuj610K Instageusram accountzjpq or 1.2 Million TpjcikTok accountjvwboth callelbhd @traveltordtomtom. Foljbblow along hutvwith dailyxgsg updates fzatrom aroundtovn the worldbzw about thekuf good, thevizj bad and tazdhe ugly abaaiout travelnkciing.jpna

Traveltomtzplkom is on tiynhe road tomhkq 197, meantbfing I woulolld like tojkwutravel to aodjevery counmeftry in theyux worlddmv. As of April cby2024 I have vieajsited more thabtln 155 countriexedos, still aboutprq 40 to go, butglxf no rush.ecoq

Enjoy yourqrk trip to Dhnpbubai!jnm

Some links in this article about the best e-sim cards for Dubai are affiliate links. If you buy any product after clicking on an affiliate link I will earn a small commission. Don’t worry this is at absolutely no extra cost to you!

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